Wrap comments in a collapsible fieldset Do you want to wrap comments in a collapsible fieldset in Drupal 7? Add the following function to your template.php of your theme:Read more about Wrap comments in a collapsible fieldset 02.07.2011 (modified on 04.07.2011) – scito 7 comments
Add a previous and a next link for your articles Do you want link your article with the previous and the next article in Drupal 7? Put the following code in your template.php of your theme:Read more about Add a previous and a next link for your articles 02.07.2011 (modified on 22.07.2011) – scito
Show the word count of your body in a node preview Do you know how many words your article have? If you want to show the word count of your body field in Drupal 7, then you can put the following code in a module:Read more about Show the word count of your body in a node preview 02.07.2011 (modified on 22.07.2011) – scito 6 comments
Enable Firefox spellchecking for CKEditor und TinyMCE in wysiwyg module You want to reenable Firefox spellchecking for CKEditor und TinyMCE with wysiwyg module in Drupal 7? Then put the following code in a module:Read more about Enable Firefox spellchecking for CKEditor und TinyMCE in wysiwyg module 02.07.2011 (modified on 04.07.2011) – scito 2 comments