Red/Yellow/Green State in LibreOffice Calc How to show red/yellow/green state in columns for non-empty rows in LibreOffice Calc? E.g. for a todo list? Weiterlesen über Red/Yellow/Green State in LibreOffice Calc 23.07.2019 (aktualisiert am 12.10.2020) – scito
This blog is served by TLS 1.3 How to check the what TLS version is used by a webserver? TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446) is the new standard security protocol since August 2018. TLS is used by https:// connections. Weiterlesen über This blog is served by TLS 1.3 16.08.2018 – scito
Bash oneliners What useful bash commands I've used? Weiterlesen über Bash oneliners 30.07.2018 (aktualisiert am 31.07.2018) – scito
MySQL 5.7 Docker Container for Raspberry Pi using Debian Sid How to run MySQL 5.7 on Raspberry Pi? Can MySQL 5.7 be run in a Docker container on Raspberry Pi? Which Distribution provides MySQL 5.7 on arm32v7/armel architecture? Weiterlesen über MySQL 5.7 Docker Container for Raspberry Pi using Debian Sid 15.07.2018 (aktualisiert am 11.07.2019) – scito
Bash history search: Partial + Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down How to scroll in the bash command history based on partial command with Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down? How to move forward/backward a word with Ctrl-Forward or Ctrl-Backward in bash command line? Weiterlesen über Bash history search: Partial + Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down 12.07.2018 – scito
Show field state colored using conditional formatting in LibreOffice How to color a cell containing a state in LibreOffice? Weiterlesen über Show field state colored using conditional formatting in LibreOffice 22.04.2017 – scito
Conditional concatenate in LibreOffice How to conditionally concatenate texts in LibreOffice? Weiterlesen über Conditional concatenate in LibreOffice 22.04.2017 (aktualisiert am 12.07.2018) – scito
Format date with function in LibreOffice How to format the current date using a LibreOffice function? Weiterlesen über Format date with function in LibreOffice 22.04.2017 (aktualisiert am 17.07.2017) – scito
Fast remote procedure calls to Python; introducing a new JSON-RPC stream protocol How to call a Python function from Java? Weiterlesen über Fast remote procedure calls to Python; introducing a new JSON-RPC stream protocol 19.12.2016 (aktualisiert am 01.08.2018) – scito
Migration script for MySQL DBs for Xampp upgrade How to migrate MySQL/MariaDB databases during a Xampp upgrade? Weiterlesen über Migration script for MySQL DBs for Xampp upgrade 03.11.2016 (aktualisiert am 07.01.2017) – scito