Add a previous and a next link for your articles

Estimated reading time of this article: 3 minutes

Do you want link your article with the previous and the next article in Drupal 7?

Put the following code in your template.php of your theme:

<?php/** * Gets the context nodes: start, prev, next and last. * @param $variables *  start, prev, next and last will be added. Passed by reference. * @param $texts *  array with start, prev, next and last *  having keys dominant_text, prepend_text and append_text * @return *  $variables with new values * * Reference: */function YOUR_THEME_context_nodes($node, &$variables, $texts = array()) {  $query = "(SELECT 'prev' as id, n.nid, n.title FROM {node} n WHERE "    . 'n.created < :created AND n.type = :type AND n.status = 1 '    . "AND language IN (:lang, 'und') "    . 'ORDER BY n.created DESC LIMIT 1) ';  $query .= ' UNION '    . "(SELECT 'next' as id, n.nid, n.title FROM {node} n WHERE "    . 'n.created > :created AND n.type = :type AND n.status = 1 '    . "AND language IN (:lang, 'und') "    . 'ORDER BY n.created ASC LIMIT 1)';  $query .= ' UNION '    . "(SELECT 'start' as id, n.nid, n.title FROM {node} n WHERE "    . 'n.type = :type AND n.status = 1 '    . "AND language IN (:lang, 'und') "    . 'ORDER BY n.created ASC LIMIT 1)';  $query .= ' UNION '    . "(SELECT 'last' as id, n.nid, n.title FROM {node} n WHERE "    . 'n.type = :type AND n.status = 1 '    . "AND language IN (:lang, 'und') "    . 'ORDER BY n.created DESC LIMIT 1)';  $rows = db_query($query, array(':created' => $node->created, ':type' => $node->type, ':lang' => $node->language));  foreach ($rows as $row) {    drupal_add_html_head_link(array(      'rel' => $row->id,      'type' => 'text/html',      'title' => $row->title,      'href' => url('node/' . $row->nid, array('absolute' => FALSE)),    ));    if (isset($texts[$row->id])) {      $text = !empty($texts[$row->id]['dominant_text']) ? t($texts[$row->id]['dominant_text']) : $row->title;      $variables[$row->id] = (!empty($texts[$row->id]['prepend_text']) ? t($texts[$row->id]['prepend_text']) : '')        . l($text, 'node/' . $row->nid, array('attributes' => array('rel' => array($row->id))))        . (!empty($texts[$row->id]['append_text']) ? t($texts[$row->id]['append_text']) : '');    }  }  return $variables;}?>

Put the following code in your template.php of your theme:

<?phpfunction YOUR_THEME_preprocess_node(&$variables) {    YOUR_THEME_context_nodes($node, $variables, array(      'start' => array('dominant_text' => '« First article'),      'prev' => array('dominant_text' => '‹ Previous article'),      'next' => array('dominant_text' => 'Next article' '),      'last' => array('dominant_text' => 'Latest article' »'),    ));?>

Finally, you can output your links in your node.tpl.php of your theme:

<?php if ($page && (isset($prev) || isset($next))): ?>

      <div id="prev-next" class="prev-next clearfix">
<?php if (isset($prev)): ?>

          <div class="prev">
<?php print $prev; ?>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (isset($next)): ?>

          <div class="next">
<?php print $next; ?>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php endif; ?>