Do you want to wrap comments in a collapsible fieldset in Drupal 7?
Add the following function to your template.php of your theme:
<?php/** * Wraps comments in a collapsible fieldset. */function YOUR_THEME_preprocess_comment_wrapper(&$variables) { // Provide contextual information. $variables['node'] = $variables['content']['#node']; $variables['display_mode'] = variable_get('comment_default_mode_' . $variables['node']->type, COMMENT_MODE_THREADED); // The comment form is optional and may not exist. $variables['content'] += array('comment_form' => array()); $commentslist = $variables['content']['comments']; $variables['content']['comments'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => format_plural($variables['node']->comment_count, '1 comment', '@count comments'), '#weight' => 0, //'#collapsible' => TRUE, // does not work and thus is not necessary //'#collapsed' => TRUE, // does not work and thus is not necessary '#pre_render' => array(), '#attributes' => array(), ); // Make it manually collapsible as we cannot use #collapsible without the // FAPI element processor. $variables['content']['comments']['#attached']['library'][] = array('system', 'drupal.collapse'); $variables['content']['comments']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'collapsible'; $variables['content']['comments']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'collapsed'; $variables['content']['comments']['commentslist'] = $commentslist;}?>